Our Assam General Knowledge Mock Test (Capsule 3) focuses on all chapters of Assam General Knowledge, covering 30 questions. You should practice these mock tests for 30 minutes daily for 1-2 months. This way of systematic learning will prepare you easily for Assam Govt Job, ADRE 2.0, APSC Exam, Assam Police Exam, ASEB Exam, Assam TET, Assam Direct Recruitment, and various competitive exams conducted by Assam Govt. You can also download the PDF of the Assam General Knowledge Mock Test, Capsule 3, at the end of the the mock test.
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Assam General Knowledge Mock Test
Our mock test focuses on all topics of the Assam General Knowledge. This will help you prepare for Assam State Government exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications. You can practice these mock test capsules by capsule, starting from the first capsule, or you can jump to any capsule of your choice. You can also download the PDF of the the Assam General Knowledge Mock Test, Capsule 3, at the end of the mock test.
Assam General Knowledge Mock Test Series
Here is the list of capsules on the "Assam General Knowledge Mock Test Multiple," covering 1000+ Assam GK questions and answers. You can practice these mock tests capsule by capsule, starting from the first capsule, or you can jump to any capsule of your choice.
Assam GK Mock Test
Assam General Knowledge Best Books:
- “An Introduction to Assam General Knowledge” by Sailen Baishya
- “Awesome ASSAM - General Knowledge for APSC & other State Competitive Exams Paperback” by Maniram Sharma
- “General Studies Manual for Assam Civil Services Examination ” by Raj Kumar Das and Biswajit Dutta