Assam General Knowledge Mock Test

Assam GK Mock Test Capsules

Here is the list of capsules on the "Assam GK Mock Test," covering 1000+ Assam GK Questions and Answers. You can practice the MCQs capsule by capsule, starting from the first capsule, or you can jump to any capsule of your choice.

[Choose Assamese language for assamese medium students.]

Welcome to the journey of the Assam GK mock tests. In this blog post, we will explore various facets of Assam GK. Whether you're gearing up for competitive exams or simply eager to expand your understanding of this culturally diverse state, this guide is your go-to source for all Assam GK needs.


Our 1000+ multiple choice questions and answers Mock test on "Assam General Knowledge" focus on all areas of assam General knowledge covering 1000+ questions and answers. These questions and answers are chosen from a collection of the most authoritative and best reference books on Assam history, assam geography, assam polity. One should spend 1 hour daily practicing these mock tests for one months to learn and assimilate Assam GK subject comprehensively. This way of systematic learning will prepare anyone easily for Assam Govt Job, APSC Exam, Assam Police Exam, ASEB Exam, Assam TET and various competitive exam conducted by Assam Govt. 

Assam GK Mock Test Highlights

  • 1000+ Multiple-Choice Questions and Answers Mock test in Assam GK with a detailed explanation of every question.
  • These mock tests are organised capsule-wise, and each capsule has 30 questions.
  • Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic of Assam history, Assam geography, Assam politics, awards, books, etc.
  • Assam GK Mock test with answers in PDF format for all capsules based on the Assam Govt exam's previous year question paper.

Who should practice the Assam GK mock test?

  • Students who are preparing for various Assam Govt. Competitive examination interviews.
  • Students who wish to sharpen their knowledge of Assam general knowledge.
  • Students who are studying in SEBA, CBSE, and ICSE schools as well as Assam State Board schools.
  • Students who are preparing for Assam Govt. competitive examinations such as APSC, Assam ADRE 2.0, Assam TET, Assam forest Exam, Assam Police Exam etc.


Assam GK Overview: Assam GK encompasses a vast array of topics, including history, culture, and current affairs. Stay tuned as we delve into the dynamic world of Assam's general knowledge, keeping you informed and engaged.

All Assam GK and Its Importance: Understanding All Assam GK is crucial, especially for those preparing for competitive exams. We'll explore why having a well-rounded knowledge of the state is essential for excelling in various assessments.

Assam Buranji GK: Discover the significance of Assam Buranji GK in preserving historical anecdotes and cultural heritage. Unearth the treasure trove of information hidden within the Buranjis, offering insights into Assam's past.

Assam Competitive Exam GK: Preparing for competitive exams in Assam? We've got you covered with insights into the specific GK areas you need to focus on to ace those exams.

Assam Direct Recruitment General Knowledge: Navigate the nuances of general knowledge required for direct recruitment in Assam. Gain valuable insights into the criteria that recruiters often look for in prospective candidates.

Assam General Awareness: Explore the current affairs and happenings in Assam through the lens of general awareness. Stay updated on the latest developments shaping the state's landscape.

Assam General Knowledge 2021 and 2022: A detailed look into the events and developments that marked Assam in 2021 and 2022. Keep yourself abreast of the state's progress and changes.

Assam General Knowledge in Assamese: Explore the linguistic dimension of Assam GK, with a special focus on resources available in the Assamese language. Bridge the gap between language and knowledge acquisition.

Assam GK 2023: Get a sneak peek into what's on the horizon for Assam GK in 2023. Stay ahead of the curve by anticipating upcoming trends and developments.

Assam GK Assamese: Delve into the nuances of Assam GK presented in the Assamese language. Discover how accessing information in your native language enhances your understanding.

Assam GK Books: Explore a curated list of Assam GK books that cater to various preferences and levels of expertise. Find the perfect literary companion to enhance your knowledge.

Assam GK History: Uncover the historical roots of Assam through the lens of GK. Journey through the annals of time and witness the evolution of this culturally rich state.
Assam Static GK: Demystify the concept of static GK in the context of Assam. Understand how a solid foundation of static knowledge contributes to a well-rounded understanding of the state.

General Knowledge of Assam in the Assamese Language: Highlighting the importance of preserving and disseminating general knowledge in the Assamese language. Explore the unique aspects of Assam's culture, geography, demography, and history through the medium of Assamese.

Lucent Assam GK: An in-depth look at Lucent Assam GK is a valuable resource for those seeking a comprehensive guide to the state's general knowledge. Explore its features and benefits for aspirants.

Assam General Knowledge by Sailen Baishya: Dive into the teachings of Sailen Baishya, a notable writer in the Assam GK book. Discover the unique insights and perspectives he brings to the realm of general knowledge.